Guernsey Chess Club and Federation Reports
Elista 1998
Dr Vlad (hosts) Paul Cutter, Peter Rowe, Mary McDermott (Captain), Olga (Translator), Peter Wilson and Ernesto Manzanilla>
Opening Ceremony>
Opening Ceremony>
Opening Ceremony>
Opening Ceremony>
Opening Ceremony>
Opening Ceremony>
Opening Ceremony - note Guernsey Flag!>
Opening Ceremony>
Opening Ceremony>
A local artists work on display>
A local artists work on display>
Buddhist influence in Elista>
Statue of Lenin>
Manzanilla, Rowe, Cutter and McManus>
Local kids pose with famous chess players>
Fishing trip (The Olympiad was late starting because they were still building the venue!)>
War memorial - Olga, Ernesto and Ben>
Olga and Ernesto enjoy ice creams>
Fishing trip - Guernsey and Japan>
Peter Wilson caught a whopper!>
Round 1 India v Guernsey (Rowe, Cutter, Manzanilla and McManus)>
Visit to a Buddhist temple outside Elista>
Visit to a Buddhist temple outside Elista>
Round 2 v South Africa (Rowe, Cutter, Manzanilla and McManus)>
Paul Cutter in traditional Kalmykian dress>
Paul Cutter in traditional Kalmykian dress>
Ben, Mary and Peter returning from "Chess City" to our apartment>
Olga, Ben and Mary>
Guernsey v Sam Marino (Rowe, Cutter, Manzanilla and Wilson)>
Our hosts brought a sea-food feast to our apartment>
Jangariada - a cultural festival celebrating nomadic way of life>
Jangariada - a cultural festival celebrating nomadic way of life>
Traditional dancers>
Cutter and Wilson performing traditional dance>
Ben, Olga and Peter>
Ben and Olga>
Young Kalmykians playing chess>
More traditional dancing>
Olga's brother, Ben, Olga and Olga's mother>
Olga's family with Peter Rowe>
Olga's home outside their home with Ben>
Olga's home outside their home with Ben>
Our new translator with Ernesto, Paul and our hosts>
Before a match - Wilson, Manzanilla, Cutter and Rowe>
The team squad plus captain>
The team after 2-2 with Netherlands Antilles in the last round>
The team as above plus the friendly arbiter from our section>
The team from our last match (McManus, Cutter, Wilson and Manzanilla)>
Peter wilson ready to play with Jhn Warlick from US Virgin Islands looking on>
The team in play with John Warlick again>
US Virgin Islands v Jersey>
Louis Smith v Paul Cutter>
Four of us had to move flat because of a flood and we were given a security guard!>
Relaxing after the final round>
Apartment blocks in Elista>
A meal>
Ben (a bit drunk on our last night in Elista)>
Chess City - Elista>
Peter and Ben with Olga and her father and brother>