Guernsey Chess Club and Federation Reports
Guernsey's strongest Chess team for many years beat Jersey for the first time since 1997 on Saturday afternoon at The Hougue Fouque Hotel. This follows recent international successes and the award of two Chess Master Titles to local players.
Guernsey had a strong start with wins for Tim Knight, Mark Ozanne, Jon Bridel, Ben McManus, Russel Finch, Colin Goman and Paul Cutter. Garry Forbes and Tom Moriarty earned solid draws to give Guernsey a vital extra team point. With the last three games under way, and with four hours out of five completed, Guernsey were 8-5 ahead.
Needing only a draw for a Guernsey victory, new team member Paul Carpenter, playing on board six, kept the pressure on his Jersey opponent to win an additional team point to take Guernsey across the line. The final two games saw Peter Rowe battling against Jersey's Jon Hawes for the Channel Island Championship but Rowe lost out in an exciting endgame. On board two, Fred Hamperl defended a tough end game against Jersey's Simmons but Simmons had the edge and won through. The final score was a thrilling 9-7 to Guernsey.
Bridel became the first Guernseyman since 1996 to win a hat-trick against Jersey and Terry Harden won the Reserve board trophy for Guernsey. Despite valiant efforts, John Cummins, Eric Palmer, Jonathan O'Connor and Oliver Rowe lost out to their Jersey opponents.
Guernsey's winning 2005 Inter Insular Team from left to right Ben McManus, Colin Goman, Jonathan O'Connor, Russell Finch, Jon Bridel, Fred Hamperl, Peter Rowe, Garry Forbes, Paul Carpenter, Terry Harnden, Mark Ozanne and John Cummins